Motion graph physics form 4
Motion graph physics form 4

Vector A is in fact the sum of the purple and green vectors. Now, we can imagine drawing two vectors, one horizontal along the x-direction (purple), 4 units long, and another vertical along the y-direction (green), 3 units long. It could be anywhere, but for simplicity, let’s place its tail on the origin. In the figure below, we could imagine placing vector A on the x-y plane.

#Motion graph physics form 4 how to

Now, this will help us figure out how to mathematically represent a vector with a specific direction. If A is multiplied by any other number, such as -2 or -0.5. If A is multiplied by -1, then the result, -A, will be the same length, but point in the opposite direction.

motion graph physics form 4 motion graph physics form 4

Multiply A by 1/2, and the new vector will be half the length, but with the same direction. If A was multiplied by 2, then the result, 2 A, would simply be a vector that points in A‘s direction, but has twice the length. To continue, vectors can be multiplied by numbers. You can think of B as the answer the the question, “What vector must I add to A to get C?” B can also be thought of as the vector connecting the head of A to the head of C. This will be important to remember later on when we work with forces. If you have two airplanes, as in the diagram below, both flying at 800 km/hr northwest, but they are in different places, their velocity vectors are still equivalent. Furthermore, vectors are only defined by their magnitude and direction. This sounds like a scalar, which can be either positive or negative, but there is a subtle difference, which will be discussed later. In fact, vectors can also be one dimensional, having a size and direction, with the only two choices of direction being in the positive and negative direction. Vectors are special, since they have direction in addition to magnitude, they can exist not only in two-dimensional space, but in space of any higher dimension. If you say that a plane is moving at 800 km/hr, you are only saying its speed, but if you say it is moving 800 km/hr, northwest, you are stating its velocity. Velocity is a vector, while speed is a mere scalar, and is one part of a vector. The magnitude of this vector is not a length, but the speed of the airplane, while its direction is the direction of the plane. This combination of speed and direction is called velocity, or velocity vector. We can describe an airplane’s motion by describing not only how fast it is moving, which would be its speed, but also in what direction. Furthermore, vectors do not need to have length, they just need to have magnitude, and one example is the velocity vector. So if two vectors were in different places, but had the same magnitude and direction, they would be exactly the same. Vectors are defined only by their magnitude and direction, not by where they are.

motion graph physics form 4

Vectors can be used to represent displacement (how far away you moved from a certain point, and in what direction), and in this case a vector would literally be an arrow. A vector can be thought of as an arrow, with its magnitude being its length, and a direction. As a result, quantities called vectors need to be introduced.Ī vector is a quantity which is not only defined by its magnitude, but also by its direction. However, physics is the study not only of size, but also of position and motion, and for this reason, scalars are not enough to describe reality. Some quantities, like altitude or temperature, can also be negative (such as being below sea level, or having a temperature below 0 degrees Celsius). Numbers are useful in describing multiple aspects of our world, such as the amount of chips in a bag, the size of a room, or the altitude of a plane. The number 10 has magnitude of 10, and -10 has the same magnitude, 10, but opposite sign. Numbers are quantities which are only defined by magnitude, or size, and their sign, so they can be either positive or negative. The linear motion can be of two types: and non-uniform linear motion when an object moves in a straight path.Home | Next Page: Intro to Newtonian Mechanics and Gravitation Linear motion, also called rectilinear motion, is one-dimensional motion along a straight line, and can therefore be described mathematically using only one spatial dimension.

Motion graph physics form 4