Su podium v2.5 plus for sketchup commercial
Su podium v2.5 plus for sketchup commercial

I am not trying to bitch, but it just worries me about how few features customers do know and when it is gioing to come out. So the uncertainty may push some to learn v-ray or even 3ds max. It is hard to sit back and wait, especially when you have no clue.i Mean that kills me with sketchup itself, because nobody really knows when it is going to be the app. I know you guys are working hard, and have heard it constantly, but talks of it have been going on for over a year. And the problem that I have faced, and what actuallly pushed me more into v-ray is that podium 2 has been a long time coming.

su podium v2.5 plus for sketchup commercial

There may be ones that do, and I hope I am not offending anyone, but the super super realism just is not built into podium yet. You most likely wont see many rendering companies or larger firms that do in house rendering, relying on podium, or even sketchup for that matter. You will see it in smaller offices that dont want to go out of house to get renderings done, because just representing the idea is good enough. that will be for the architect/designer that wants to use 3d to help get his ideas across to clients. Not to restate anything already said and not to say this is completely 100% true for every case, but podium is that ap. They both are great, but to me, both serve different purposes and will help you in the working world differently. I started off with podium, a great app., and I was using it for about a year and then just got over anxious with wanting more realism so I spent some time to learn v-ray (and it did take a some reading and time). Everyone has good points, but my experience has given me fairly descent understanding of both apps. It has been some time since ive been able to get up to date on the podium forum but this thread intrigued me. View Member Profile Send Email Find Member's Topics Find Member's Posts steelers05 It's a fine product, but I suspect you'll be back! If you want the flexibility and configurability of Vray, great. Early indications are that it won't necessarily be faster than the current version, but quality will be better. Our new engine can produce comparable results though, and I can prove it - but I'm not going to, because I would have to tell you which engine it is. It's well written and informative, but it is obvious that there is something of a learning curve!

su podium v2.5 plus for sketchup commercial su podium v2.5 plus for sketchup commercial

#Su podium v2.5 plus for sketchup commercial manual

If you want to see what you are getting into, have a look at the manual here first. However, you need to know what you are doing to get good quality and render times. In the right hands it can produce images that are much better than Podium's in terms of quality. View Member Profile Find Member's Topics Find Member's Posts bigstick (it took me months to understand v ray properly whereas i was rendering with podium and getting usable results within a day) Ultimately my opinion would be unless your really adamant or your client is adamant on hyper realism, why spend all that money time and effort learning a program that you can get just as adequate results in ridiculously less time with podium. Unfortunately i cant comment on Maxwell since i've never used but at a glance with the capabilities that it has it would the same complexity and learning curve as vray. Vray for sketch up is a great plug in, if you come from the 3d max Maya Esq background it should be familiar (overly complicated work flows). View Member Profile Send Email Find Member's Topics Find Member's Posts crazy_bobĭepending on what your goals are it's the old adage (at least to me) of a sound engineer sweating over a piece of music tweaking it's intricacies to the point of oblivion. When the end user will not necessarily appreciate those intricacies but rather the image itself vray and Maxwell unless you spend a lot of time understanding how they work can be overkill for most general renders (unless you get the creatively anal retentive client lol).

Su podium v2.5 plus for sketchup commercial